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(page two to David Shuey’s marathon review of the Beta Band’’s Heroes to Zeroes)


In the end, these latest Heroes to Zeroes tunes can’t quite match up to their finest.


My favorite song is off The Three EPs (a comp of their first 3 EPs). It’s the repetitive and melodic “She’s the One for Me.” You know those few songs that just HIT you at the PERFECT moment? As if brought to you through divine connection? This was mine.


I recall fondly falling in love in early 2001, around the time I first purchased Beta Band’s The Three EPs. Music was our first bond. Warm thoughts of adoration, obsession, kindness and heart-felt angst hit me over-and-over – just like the oft-repeated chorus “She’s the One for Me” washing over my brain a bazillion times. It transformed into mental prophecy: Yes, finally, I have found the one for me. She’s the One for Me. She’s the One for Me.


I was a delusional romantic. Of course, I emailed her this song – as an ode to my new lover and soon-to-be long-term girlfriend.


She sharply replied the song was NOT about true love, but was about HEROIN ADDICTION. In addition, she was deeply offended I would dedicate such a song to her. For the record, she never even touched the sweet black tar SMACK. (To this day, I have NO CLUE what the song means – or why my ex-sweetie WHIGGED OUT – but see for yourself, and witness the Beta Weirdness: Click here.)


Come to think of it, we disagreed a lot. I was an insensitive myopic jerk sometimes. We also had polar perspectives about The Beta Band kicking out an audience member in Seattle (referenced in review) – was it a prank or were they really pissed? Who knows. Who cares. You just can’t win in love. Life is unpredictable. I guess I at least learned those truisms from The Late & Great Beta Band.


Ashes to ashes, Betas. And Angel Dust to Angel Dust. We’ll miss you.


This is also by David Shuey....whew.




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